Abstracts selezionati

  • Aitana Monllor-Tormos, Rocío Belda-Montesinos, Amparo Carrasco-Catena, Antonio Canoo
    Estrogens and colorectal cancer Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology and Metabolism 2024; 5(1):10-14

  • Mark P. Brincat, Joel Pollacco
    Menopause and the effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy on skin aging: A Short Review Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology and Metabolism 2024; 5(1):34-37

  • Carmen Tong
    Steroid cell ovarian tumor: A case report and literature reviewEuropean Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2024; 6(1):14-16.

  • Gislaine C. Batista-Jorge,Antônio S. Barcala-Jorge,Deborah F. Lelis,Daniel E. Santos,Antônio H. Jorge,Renato S. Monteiro-Junior, Sérgio H. S. Santos
    Resveratrol Effects on Metabolic Syndrome Features: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisEndocrines 2024, 5, 225–243

  • Camille Vatier, Sophie Christin-Maitre
    Epigenetic/circadian clocks and PCOSHuman Reproduction, 2024, 39(6), 1167–1175.

  • S. Lee, M.V. Tejesvi, E. Hurskainen , O. Aasmets, J. Plaza-Dıaz, S. Franks, L. Morin-Papunen, J.S. Tapanainen, T.S. Ruuska, S. Altmae, E. Org , A. Salumets, R.K. Arffman, T.T. Piltonen
    Gut bacteriome and mood disorders in women with PCOS Human Reproduction, 2024, 39(6), 1291–1302.

  • Edward Nguyen, Michael Strug, Austin Gardner, Richard Burney, Sukhkamal Campbell, Lusine Aghajanova
    Initial fertility evaluation with saline sonography vs. hysterosalpingography: it is debate-tubal Fertil Steril 2024, 121: 918-920.

  • Yan Zhoua, Xia Wanga, siqi Guoa, Ruiying lia, Ye lia, Ying Yua, Ting Liu
    Correlation between chronic low-grade inflammation and glucose and lipidmetabolism indicators in polycystic ovary syndrome Gynecological Endocrinology 2024, Vol. 40, no. 1, 2302402.

  • Zhentao Gonga, lingshan Zhanga, Yingli Shi
    The potential role of uric acid in women with polycystic ovary syndrome GynecoloGical endocrinoloGy2024, Vol. 40, no. 1, 2323725.

  • Lea T.S. Zuchelo , Mayara S. Alves , Edmund C. Baracat , Isabel C. E. Sorpreso, José M. Soares Jr
    Menstrual pattern in polycystic ovary syndrome and hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis immaturity in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis GynecoloGical endocrinoloGy2024, Vol. 40, no. 1, 2360077.

I prossimi appuntamenti Aige
Percorsi integrati per il benessere riproduttivo e sessuale
07 Mar⁠–08 Mar 2025  
Firenze, Italia
  • Congresso
  • Evento AIGE